We have been here for over 40 years quietly completing successful projects.
from as-built documentation of existingfacilities to comprehensive building team design services.
for Structural Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Civil Engineering design.
to solving today’s complex building challenges and answering clients needs under real world conditions.
technology and virtual reality visualization and 3d printing to produce a state of the art facility.
we pride ourselves on offering quality services tailored for each specific client and project.
in combination with traditional understanding of the building process – to provide better solutions to today’s building challenges.
Williamson Group Architects has been in business for over forty-one years. The firm was formed in 1980 in Bryan, Texas and serves the central Texas region.
Our firm offers comprehensive design services for multiple building types including historic renovation, land planning, special events centers, office, retail, institutional medical, dental, food service/ entertainment, religious, governmental, education and industrial. We include consultants for Structural Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Civil Engineering design services.
Williamson Group Architects is an energetic small firm committed to solving today’s complex building challenges and answering clients needs under real world conditions.
We utilize current state of the art technology to produce our services including Building Information Modeling (3d modeling); Virtual Reality interface, 3d printing and 3d LIDAR scanning.
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